Markdown Cheatsheet

Markdown Cheatsheet

Companies need developers to not only be updated but also fully equipped with the information required to solve their problems and keep them at the forefront of their competitors in the business world. But does a developer need to have every bit of information in every subject related to development like knowing the A-Z of programming, frameworks, operating systems, conventions, history e.t.c (classroom approach) or knowing the relevant things which are required to solve problems (company approach)?

What is a cheat Sheet? A cheatsheet is a secret or important information that can be referred to for help in remembering or understanding a subject. It also can be referred to as key points which are important in a subject.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with a plain text formatting syntax
Can be converted into HTML/XHTML and other formats
The main purpose of markdown is readability and simple use.
Use of Markdown

  • Read me files e.g Github
  • Blog posts
  • Static site generators

Basic Markdown Cheatsheet

Element Markdown Syntax
Heading # H1
## H2
### H3
Bold __text__
Italic _text_
Blockquote > text
Ordered List 1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
Unordered List - First item
- Second item
- Third item
Code ` text `
Horizontal Rule ---
Link [title](link)
Image ![alt text](image.jpg or image.png etc)
Table | Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | Text |
Fenced code blocks ``` { "Name": "John",
"Course": "Markdown",
"Login-Times": 45
} ```
Strikethrough ~~text~~

More on Markdown